LPCA CE and Events Calendar
LPCA CE and Events Calendar
Self-Care for Clinicians CE (1hr) and Networking Event
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
As a mental health professional, we all know the value of self-care. We teach the benefits to every client who walks through our doors. Yet we all struggle to follow through with our own self-care. Small gestures of self-care are nice, but they do ...
Networking Potluck Event in Dahlonega, GA
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Join us for a networking event dedicated to fostering connections and collaboration among counselors in our community. Whether you specialize in psychotherapy, school counseling, marriage and family therapy, or any other area of mental health ...
Monthly Supervision Roundtable
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
We invite you to the Monthly Supervision Roundtables! Topic: This is up to you! You may discuss challenges as a Supervisor, difficulties with supervisees, questions about telehealth, review new rules, etc. This meeting is for you! Fee: Free for ...
Ethics: Understanding Your Motivations and Boundaries in the Therapeutic Relationship
1:00 PM - 4:15 PM
This in-person program, will help you become a better clinician by teaching you a model by which to conceptualize your own behavior and the motivation that is creating that behavior. It will also help you conceptualize ...